Palmer Hot Rod Show

Come and show off your Hot Rod. Live music, dancing, hot rods.

The Main Street of Palmer is the place to be on Sunday, October 6th 2019. If you love great cars and great music! Palmer is a small town with a population of approximately 80 people, located 16 kilometres west of Mannum on the Adelaide to Mannum Road.

The day features everything from Hot Rods to the classics, muscle cars and street machines which will fill the main street of Palmer. It all starts at 10am with a live band. Bar and food facilities, wheelbarrow and gate raffles and dance floor. Free entry.

Palmers main street will be closed to through traffic from 10am to 5pm to allow angle parking for the special interest vehicles and for the safety of the public.

There will be plenty to do and see at the Palmer Hot Rod Show including Music, Dancing, Food and plenty of Hot Rods to see. You can enter your Hot Rod into the Show.

Featuring "The Rhythm Cats" and DJ Jess

For more information contact Julie Rice:





Main Street
Palmer SA 5237